Djembe drum workshop, drumming lesson and social event drumming prices on request. Factors that influence pricing are e.g.
number of days/hours involved and distances traveled. Drum hire price on application. If you require a drum venue, we are prepared to assist you in finding and securing one. Beat-it can organize food and refreshments separately, if
A proposed 8 week team building drum workshop could be structured as follows:
A proposed workshop comprises 8 weekly
sessions of approximately one and a half hours duration. We recommend that the first three sessions be compulsory. In these sessions we will introduce drumming, teach the drum language, do body work (stepping and clapping) and learn the first song. At the end of the third session, there will be space to evaluate the team experience. The continuation (next five sessions) is voluntary. In these sessions we will concentrate on two djembe songs, bring in the subtlety of the tone/slap differentiation and deepen the fun and group experience. Here also team experience will
be reflected and similarities with the workplace highlighted. The pace of learning is determined organically by the group.
An indication of our fees for such an 8 week course are:
Participants: minimum 10
Fee: R150.- per person, per session.
For one day workshop
Minimum Fee R 3500.00